Halloween is a festivity celebrated in the English speaking world and so we wanted to celebrate it in our high school. We had some competitions going on : spells, cooking, potions and pumpkin decoration. It was fun and we enjoyed a lot! We, English teachers, cast a spell on you. Did it work? It depends on the student reading this! Here you can read our spell and you can also see some photos of that day! Enjoy! :)
"English teachers as we are,
we will make you study hard,
we make two circles, then once more,
touch our noses and then the floor.
Here's the first spell we'll try,
Abracadabra, you won't lie.
Just two circles we will do
we know what we'll do to you
touch your shoulder, then your shoe
Abracadabra, you study like two! :) "
Students of 2º PMAR that won the Halloween crossword competition in English class. Well done Rubén, Fran and Carlos! :) |
Delicious desserts and beautiful pumpkins! ;) |
And the winners were:
Pumpkin decoration:
Humor Naranja: Francisco (3º ESO)
Mary Pepi: Guillermo, Mario y P. Jambrina (3º ESO)
Halloween Cooking :
La Mano de la Muerte: Alejandra y María (1º ESO)
Pesadilla antes de Navidad: Celia (4º ESO)
Tarta encantada: Lucía, Mónica e Idoya (3º ESO)
Mención especial al plato que antes se terminó: Nauset (1º ESO)
Idoya, Mónica y Lucía
Pócima para dar hipo: Carlos y Rodrigo (2º ESO)
Veneno electrificado de reptil: Vicente, Pablo e Iker (1º ESO)
Pócima para convertir un gato en caballo: Eduardo y Víctor (2º ESO)